EOS롬 정식이 나왔습니다 나이들리 67버전까지 나오다가 정식 나왔네요
참고로 구글앱스도 120429 버전으로 업데이트 되었습니다~
캐쉬 달빅 와이프만 하고 업데이트 해도 문제 없다고함
* 특징
Tiamat 3.0.15 gpu overclocked kernel
AOSP 4.0.4 based rom
USB OTG support
Automatic mounting of FAT32 thumb drives
Automatic mounting of NTFS thumb drives with write support (doesn't work for everyone)
Enable / Disable stock ICS status bar settings
Enable / Disable EOS ics status bar settings
Enable / Disable Battery percentage text in the status bar
Enable / Disable battery icon in the status bar
Enable / Disable rotation on the lockscreen
User friendly overclocking settings that will detect if the tablet has restarted too often, and disables the overclocking
Enable / Disable the automatic brightness to decrease the brightness level
Enable / Disable the charging light
Define Rotation angles (Full, 90 Deg, 180 Deg, 270 Deg)
Face unlock
Face unlock retry button on the lockscreen.
Last accessed time and date in Browser history
Wifi Direct
Ability to hide the status bar
Show development settings in the browser by default
Ability to show and hide the clock in the status bar
Lockscreen actions
Statusbar clock can have its colour changed
Statusbar can have its colour changed